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Nexus7 reset 2






From: Keith Parker

Date: Thursday the 9th of june at 17:04

Hi Sully

Just wanted to thank you for organizing such a great day for us.  Fantastic scenery and a wonderful lunch.  Please thank Rose again for us next time you see her.

I have emailed Yannick suggesting that he foster the relationship between your two companies as he is unlikely to find a better associate.

We all had a great timer and will recommend you to anyone we know who is coming to Reunion.


Keith Parker

ETHNIX TOURS 6 allée des baies roses 97441 Sainte-Suzanne île Réunion France Copyright 2010 Ethnix Tours | CGV

  N° siret 443 303 292 00025 /  registered at Atout France IM 974100013 /  Professionnal liability insurance HA RCP 0088352 / Financial guarantee



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