
World heritage

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Extract from the National Parc site

"Les pitons, cirques et remparts" listed in the world heritage since the 1st of august 2010, by the UNESCO comitee gathered in Brasilia. This is the 35th french site which obtains such a recognition (the third in the natural goods category).

the listed area (105 838 hectares, a litle bit more than 40 % of the island surface) is within the national parc, to which we add th "Piton d’Anchaing" in the "cirque de Salazie", "le Piton de Sucre" and "la Chapelle" in the cirque of Cilaos, "la Grande Chaloupe" in the north and "Mare Longue" in the south.

L’Unesco recognised that the whole of the "pitons, cirques et remparts" create a sepectacular landscape which significatively contribute to the conservation of the earth biodiversity of the Mascareignes islands.

The depht of the cirques of  Salazie and de Cilaos, as well as "la Plaine des Palmistes", constitute a buffer zone.

The UNESCO stamp does not bring specific regulations. The national park must garantee the integrety of the good, watching the respect of the current regulations.

The national park and all its partners hightlight the scientific knowledeges aquired during the elaboration of the applying file, for developping the pedagogic actions as welle as touristic products

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