
Ethnix Tours TV

Qué opina una pareja de españoles, sobre la isla Reunión...

Qué opina una pareja de españoles, sobre la isla Reunión...

Quelle opinion a un couple d'espagnols sur l'île de la Réunion..."

Bayer Poland incentive trip, december 2014

Bayer Poland incentive trip, december 2014

In order to thank its most important clients, Bayer Crop Science Poland orgnized in collaboration with Ethnix Tours, an incentive trip to Reunion island...have ...

Happy chineese new year !

Happy chineese new year !

What else than starting the new chineese year welcoming a group of chineese people !

Nautica april 2013

Nautica april 2013

Incentive trip

Nature activity

Nature activity

Enjoy the beauty a place keeping fit !

Interview of Marie, young german cabin crew

Interview of Marie, young german cabin crew

Marie was here on the sixth of juanuary 2013, as the MS Astor cruise ship was stopping over in Reunion"

ETHNIX TOURS 6 allée des baies roses 97441 Sainte-Suzanne île Réunion France Copyright 2010 Ethnix Tours | CGV

  N° siret 443 303 292 00025 /  registered at Atout France IM 974100013 /  Professionnal liability insurance HA RCP 0088352 / Financial guarantee



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