
Noces enchanteresses, La Réunion QUEL CADEAU !


Commentaires (2)

looks like a great son, Ben, went to the Philly Zoo a few weeks ago and is still talking about the goillra that was picking his nose!!! he thought it was hysterical!! if we're ever in Cailifornia, we'll have to check out the Oakland Zoo.....
Ok so in todays music world the biolblard 100s, pop stations, mtv, and even the msm rock stations are garbage in my opinion. So many have really forgotten where music has come from. Thus this leaves watered down post heavy arena rock with the followers gelling up thier hair, getting fake tans and rocking white oakleys and tap out shirts. Rock and roll is not a fashion show, it's pure expression. This is what was and fortunatley still is Led Zeppelin. They still sell albums and memorabillia like hot cakes to this day for one reason .. because they made some of the best rock music ever. So this is my plea to Sir James Patrick Page . PAGEY PLEASE TOUR AND SHOW THEM HOW ITS DONE. I know you have the know how to make mind blowing music and music certainly needs a savior right about now. xciwghjeiqm [link=]evzwbf[/link]

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